Imagine Worcester #59 Sam Onapa
Posted August 15th 2011 2:42pm
Sam Onapa A Ugandan Christian leader living and working in South Sudan, with strong ties to Muslim leaders, has been in training in Reconciliation Leadership from June 2010 to the present. Mr. Onapa works for the African Union and is a graduate of the basic training in Reconciliation Leadership. Sam learned there was a Reconciliation Provision in the Sudan Comprehensive Peace Agreement that had never been addressed (Article 1.7) He has worked in the finance department of the African Union in Sudan and United Nations Development Programme. He contacted Virginia Swain in May 2010 to ask for training in Reconciliation Leadership on Skype. Sam has a strong calling to peacebuilding and already has made an impact in the Sudan Abeyei conflict. For Sam’s program, Sam was educated in Uganda, England, Glasgow and the United States. He is currently a certificate candidate for the Advanced Reconciliation Leadership Certificate Program. Sam is married to Herbie Onapa, an Australian national and has four children.