The Institute for Global Leadership supports the United Nations Day call of UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to restore the United Nations mandate for a bold Covid19 Global Ceasefire in a presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Academic Council for the United Nations in June 2020. Addressing the problematic role of the United States in the UN, we’ve had dialogues for America’s growth to be a equal global partner since 2017. Drawing from a rich history of presentations and practice to restore faith in humanity since 1991 and inspired by Dag Hammarskjold, we offer the perspectives, tools and techniques of Reconciliation Leaders and a spiritual renaissance for the global common ground created from the COVID19 pandemic. We need a spiritual and moral movement to take us beyond individual and group egoism and overcome the fear and mistrust that keeps us separate and isolated from one another.

About the Institute for Global Leadership

We invite emerging and seasoned leaders to join us for coaching and training to re-examine your mission and learn new skills and perspectives for a Reconciliation Leadership approach to a spiritual renaissance in a COVID19 world. You will also learn why historic attempts to reform the United Nations have failed. In a 200-year present, we offer opportunities for professionals to learn a new approach to leadership and development as well as a broad systems-thinking worldview, In a crossroads moment of institutional, social, ecological and economic global history, we’ve been restoring faith in humanity at the United Nations since 1991 for the Global Problématique and a world in need of leadership.

Virginia Swain founded the Institute for Global Leadership in response to the tragic events of September 11, 2001. She drew on her experience in New York during the World Trade Center attacks, as well as 25 years of experience in the United Nations conceiving, developing and training Reconciliation Leaders since 1991. At the United Nations conference on the Environment and Development (popularly known as the Earth Summit in 1992) ,Virginia perceived a deep-seated need to offer Reconciliation Leaders and a Global Mediation and Reconciliation Service to the United Nations and wider world. Listen to the impact of Reconciliation Leadership as practiced by two of its graduates, Dr. Sam Onapa and Dr. Sarah Sayeed.

As a member of the Global Compact since it began, we engage its ten principles.  Additionally, we fully support the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals with special expertise in SDG16+ for peaceful societies and SDG17 for Revitalizing a Global Partnership. The United Nations Interagency Framework Team for Preventive Action at UNDP welcomed five Reconciliation Leaders as they presented Reconciliation Leaders for Sustainable Development in 2013. A plan for a Global Mediation and Reconciliation Service, a little-known global security system already part of the Charter, was presented at a speaking engagement at the Hague Appeal for Peace in 1999 and at the State of the World Forum in 1999. In an earlier series where Virginia Swain was an invited participant, the Abolishing War Series with Peace Scholars Boulding and Forsberg, she was concerned about a lack of reference to the United Nations and wrote a commentary—The United Nations, the Peacebuilding Institute and Servant Leadership.

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Leadership Agility

A colleague and friend, the late Nan Merrill, author and columnist, wrote, “September 11, 2001, will long be remembered as a terrible and shocking tragedy. Forever vivid will be the memory of how our nation and the world joined in solidarity with nations and peoples devastated by war and violence.”

People, institutions and nations need maturation to work for common interest in a COVID19 world. The Institute recognizes all human beings, institutions, nations and multilateral organizations for their uniqueness, need and capacity for transformation.  Reconciliation leaders use leadership agility to assess where experts, the lowest level of leadership, could grow to become catalytic leaders.

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A Spiritual Renaissance to Restore Faith in Leadership

Listen to the words of Dag Hammarskjöld written outside his meditation room, and sung as a chant by Paulette Meier: By inviting each person on this planet to find their center of stillness surrounded by silence, Dag Hammarskjöld changed the definition of peace and global security from outside ourselves to within each of us—we call this spiritual renaissance leadership from the inside out.

We invite emerging and seasoned leaders to join us to find your center of stillness surrounded by silence, reexamine your mission, learn new skills and develop a broad worldview in this crossroads moment of institutional, social, ecological and economic global history.

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Join Us

We invite you to join us to reexamine your mission, learn new skills and develop a broad worldview in this crossroad moment of institutional, social, ecological, and economic global history. We have been restoring faith in humanity in the United Nations since 1991.

Ready to learn more?

About Virginia: