Posted April 10th 2012 3:29pm

Virginia’s guest is Dr. Sarah Sayeed. Dr. Sayeed is a Program and Communications Associate at the Interfaith Center of New York, where she coordinates the Rabbi Marshall T. Meyer Retreats for Social Justice. She is a graduate of the Reconciliation Leadership Certificate Program. She has previously worked at New York Disaster Interfaith Services at the American Jewish World Service. Formerly an assistant professor at Baruch College, School of Public Affairs, Sarah graduated from Princeton University in 1990 and earned her doctorate in communications from the Annenberg School for Communications, University of Pennsylvania, where she specialized in public health communication. She is President of Women in Islam, Inc., and Muslim Consultative Network and is the author of numerous articles relating to Islam, women, and health communication. Sarah also consults on survey design and evaluation of community health education programs. She writes for the Huffington Post
Click here to read papers Dr. Sayeed wrote with Virginia Swain:
Leadership and Practice to Reconcile Challenges in a Post–September 11th World” Presented at the Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies Conference, Columbia University by Virginia Swain and Dr. Sarah Sayeed, 2006;
“Reconciliation as Policy: A Capacity–Building Proposal for Renewing Leadership and Development,” Presentation at same conference in 2005 at Columbia with Swain and Sayeed.
Dr. Sarah Sayeed’s Articles in the Huffington Post
Dr. Sarah Sayeed, former President, Women in Islam