Consultant, designer and trainer, A Global Mediation and Reconciliation Service, developed over ten years in ten local and international settings, beginning at the United Nations in 1992. Pilot projects in Philippines, Rwanda, and Boston (with refugees from the former Yugoslavia).
Moderator, panel discussion. Panelists from Prevent Genocide International and Rwandese Jesuit Priest on Rwanda Genocide at Summer Peacebuilding Institute, Eastern Mennonite University, June 1999.
Member, Task Force on Codes of Conduct for Civil Society Organizations and Corporate Engagement Project, CIVICUS: World Alliance for Citizen Participation, 1998-2000.
Plenary speaker, Ethics in Leadership, Ethics Conference, Mt.. Holyoke College, 1998.
Adjunct Faculty:
- Salve Regina University, Newport, RI, Designing and Implementing Interventions for Global Change, Leadership for the United Nations and the Harmonization of Nations, 1999-1000
- Lesley College School of Management, Cambridge, MA, Negotiation, Mediation and Conflict Management, 2000; Managing in the Global Economy, 1998-1999.
- Clark University, Worcester, MA, Change Management, 1999. Leadership 2000, Cross-Cultural Conflict Management, 2000-2001.
- Andover Newton Theological School, Newton, MA. Servant Leadership: in Organizations, 1998.
Team facilitator, American Express and Thomas Cook merger
Designer of consultation in strategic planning for an Alaska Hospital.
Conflict practitioner, designer and facilitator, long-term conflict resolution consultations with two severely conflicted churches, Massachusetts Episcopal Diocese.
Team building facilitator, Consultants Development Group, Uppsala, Sweden, linking individual and organizational vision, mission, goals and action, 1988.
Adjunct Professor, at Middlesex Community College with CT Small Business Development Center and US Small Business Administration Faculty in marketing, public relations, human resources courses, 1987-89.
Custom designer and presenter, of 150 trainings, including:
- women in leadership
- diversity
- intercultural understanding
- change and stress management
- creating a positive self-image
- performance coaching
- planned change in multinational corporations
- clarifying shared purpose and common mission
- job loss/career changes
- gender reconciliation
Presenter, Discover Your Potential, Keynote, Eastern CT State College Day for Women, 1990.
Presenter, keynote speeches and addresses to chambers of commerce, rotary clubs, business and trade associations, colleges, radio talk shows, and United Nations events.
Plenary speaker, MIT conference on United Nations Social Summit, 1990-98.
Presenter, The Role of Philanthropy in the Emerging Civil Society, with Joseph Baratta, CIVICUS: World Alliance for Citizen Participation, First World Assembly, Mexico City, 1995.
Facilitator, Women as Transformational Leaders, Ongoing seminars, 1997-present.
Networked, planned and implemented, active coalitions for personal and social responsibility. Member of U.S. Committee on national and international networks for United Nations Habitat II (The Cities Summit) and invited Co-Chair Roundtable on Partnership, Business and the UN, World Business Summit, Istanbul, Turkey 1995-97.
Presenter, “Engendering a Dialogue with Business in Partnership with Other Stakeholders” speech, Business for Social Responsibility, Boston, 1996.
Co-facilitator, working group with the former UN Secretary-Generals office to invite global business leaders to dialogue on issues of globalization and codes of conduct, 1997.
Co-designer and co-presenter, In the Company of Coaches coaching seminar, Organization Transformation Network and Boston College Leadership for Change Collaboration, Boston College