Presenter, Keynote Address: Discover Your Potential, Day for Women, Eastern Connecticut State College, Willimantic, CT, April 1990.
Presenter, Women and Power, How a Woman Can Change World Leadership Institute, Association of Junior Leagues International, Chicago, February 1991.
Co-facilitator, Bringing Ethics to the Decision Making Process, United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, Global Forum, Rio de Janeiro, June 1992.
Designer and Facilitator, Debriefing for Earth Summit Participants, United Nations, New York, July 1993.
Co-convenor, NGO Working Group on Financing Agenda 21, Commission on Sustainable Development, United Nations, June 1993.
Author and Presenter, “The Peacebuilding Process of Reconciliation,” published in selected referred proceedings of the Second National Conference on Urban Issues: Re-Imagining the Urban Environment: Strengthening Collaborative Relationships in the Inner City, State University at Buffalo, 1994.
Co-author and Presenter, “International Cooperation: Its Roots in
International Cooperation and Personal Responsibility” (with Dr. Joseph P. Baratta) at Global Ascendancy: Local Challenges in Education and Development. Comparative and International Education Society, Northeast/Midwest Regional Conference, Buffalo, October 1994.
Co-facilitator, Strengthening Peacekeeping with Dr. Joseph Baratta at Global Structures Conference, Washington, D.C., September 1993.
Presenter, Planned Change in the Multinational Organization, New York Organizational Development Network, April 1993.
Co-Facilitator, Re-visioning The Relationship Between Man and Woman, New York and Cambridge, 1993-94.
Executive Committee Member, Coalition for a Strong United Nations, Boston. Part of team that conceived and produced public education conferences in partnership with the John F. Kennedy Library, Dorchester 1994-97. Subjects include: Peacekeeping and Peacemaking: New Challenges for for the United Nations (1994), International Business: What Role for the United Naitons? (1994), Universal Human Rights: Accountability and Enforcement (1995), Re-Forming the United Nations: Toward a Humane Global Society (1995), Planting a Global Seed: The United Nations and the Environment (1996) Choosing a Secretary-General for the United Nations: Leadership into the 21st Century (1996) You and the UN: Journey toward Peoples Governance (1997).
Participant, Working group of scholars/practitioners with Dr. Herbert Kelman. Program on Con and Analysis (PICAR) Center For International Affairs, Harvard University, 1994.
Member, International Program Committee, Health and Human Rights Conference, F.X. Bagnoud Center, Harvard School of Public Health, Cambridge 1994.
Author and Presenter, “The Interrelationship of Individual and State Cooperation for Peacebuilding.” Agenda for Peace and NGOS, Baden, Austria, May 1994.
Co-facilitator, A Global Ethic: Healing The Whole Through Its Parts. Violence and Human Rights, The Impact on Health., Harvard School of Public Health Conference. Patrice Brodeur, Ph.D. Candidate, Harvard University, 1994.
Co-facilitator, The Role of Philanthropy in the Emerging Civil Society, with Dr. Joseph Baratta at Citizens Strengthening Global Civil Society. Civicus: World Alliance for Citizen Participation. First World Assembly, Mexico City, January 1995.
Teambuilding co-facilitator, Taking Charge of Change, American Express and Thomas Cook merger, San Diego, February 1995.
Co-designer, Toward a Global Ethic: Healing The Whole Through Its Parts: Towards a Culture of Peace, with Paulette Vigeant, Global Education Specialist, Montreal, 1995.
Representative, Report to 39th Commission on the Status of Women, United Nations, National Women’s Conference Center, April 1995.
Co-facilitator, Values and Politics Workshop, Values Caucus, UN World Summit for Social Development, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1995.
Plenary Speaker, Non-governmental Organizations and the Copenhagen Social Summit. United Nations and Social and Economic Development: A People-Centered Framework, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, March 25-26, 1995.
Presenter, Citizen Diplomacy For Grassroots Mobilization and Ethics and Human Rights. Fifth World Congress: International Educators for Peace, Norwich University, August 1995.
Co-facilitator, Institute for Civil Markets: Working Group on Codes of Conduct for Multinational Business, International Business Task Force, United Nations, Under Secretary-General Rosario Green, January – June 1996.
Speaker, How Business Can Work in Partnership for Sustainability in Boston, Business for Social Responsibility, Boston, 1996.
Member, Global Capacity Building Committee, U.S. Committee for UN Habitat II preparing for conference on sustainable urban environments, Istanbul 1996, Washington, D.C. January-May 1996.
Steering Committee Member, UN Town Meeting: Sharing Bostons Experience with the World, preparing for for UN Habitat II, Istanbul, Wentworth Institute, Boston, MA, 1996.
Consultant, Project Global 2000, International Education Council, Global Education Associates, New York, April 1996.
Facilitator, Business for the Common Good. You and the UN: Journey toward People’s Governance, John F. Kennedy Library, Kennedy Library, March 1997.
Facilitator, Earth Charter Consultation Process, trained by Global Education Associates,1997
Team Building Facilitator, The Natural Step Environmental Consultants Network, Cambridge, MA, April 1997.
Facilitator, Women as Transformational Leaders, Boston, 1997.
Developed Proposal, Radcliffe College Dean, on Gender Reconciliation Conference. 1997
Member, Values Caucus of NGOs, NGO Committee on Freedom of Religion or Belief, Hague Peace Conference 1999 Preparation.
Speaker, A Vision for a New Leadership Model, Round Table on Global Trends for 21st Century, Global Education Associates, New York
Speaker, Ethics in Leadership, Seven Sisters College Conference on Ethics, Mt. Holyoke College, Hadley, MA 1998
Co-Facilitator, Servant Leadership: Spiritually Grounded Presence in Organizations, and Creating Organizational Renewal with Spiritually Grounded and Compassionate Leadership, Andover Newton Theological School Symposium on Spirituality and Business, Newton, MA