Awakening, Reconciling and Uniting the Hearts and Minds of the Human Family 

We believe the world’s religions can play a leadership role in social and political action towards a just world order and cooperation between sovereign nations, even though much of the turmoil of the world is rooted in religious and national animosity. An experience of global liturgy, common to all religions, can begin to heal divisions. To that end, a global liturgy of reconciliation to acknowledge and celebrate the Universal Spirit of God in each of the world religions is offered to help unite the hearts and minds of the human family. The liturgy can be created as an intentional environment where an experience of sisterhood and brotherhood can be experienced, transcending all barriers. The global liturgy validates and sanctifies the suffering that has occurred in the world, because of religious intolerance and injustice, as the experience of forgiveness contributes to the reconstruction of a country after a war.

The invitation is to:

  • bring diverse religious people into unity and justice by mediating existing personal and religious conflicts;
  • build solidarity among peoples;
  • establish a model forum for settling conflicts, like the pacific means of the United Nations;
  • go beyond entrapment to solidarity;
  • create a model for global community;
  • bring hope for faith that unites people;
  • create an environment of trust, tolerance and equality.

The Global Liturgy Process

Religions, local denominations, interfaith and ecumenical groups interested in beginning a reconciliation process towards world unity would form their own eight-stage planning process to begin to develop a model unique to each location. Each liturgy would have a different content but be built on the same elements including a statement of accountability, a confession, a silence, a prayer of forgiveness, and a rite of reconciliation. These elements allow a commitment to a just and cooperative world order between world faiths and sovereign nations.

To prepare for a typical global liturgy, religious groups must create an atmosphere where all will be heard. Our advisory team facilitates an environment of compassion, safety, acceptance, and support. Each situation would be assessed to design a program that best meets the needs of the group. A global liturgy would be the framework to help people come to unity by first telling others about their religion, their hopes and their dreams. A follow-up program would then be planned.

Click here for a Case Study at the United Nations in New York in an Earth Summit followup event to show a way to build consensus.